Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Horseback Riding

I love horses. They are incredible animals. I especially love riding horses. It is so so so fun. On Saturday I went with Brett and Emily to a dinner with Brett's coworkers. A guy Brett works with has three horses and he brought a couple. Right when I got there, he came riding up and said "Hop on!"

I got on Sherwin Williams (kinda weird name, I know) and me and brother Shaum (Sp) went off. It was so fun. We went all through the forest and then came out in a field and ran with them. I loved it. He said that no one ever rides them so I can whenever I want. I'm so excited. I am going to go all the time.

Sherwin and Blacky (creative huh? =) )

Me and Sherwin

Emily and Blacky

Brett and Blacky


Also in the morning I did the ropes course up here on campus with some other kids. It was a little scary but mostly just fun.


  1. dang that looks awesome! seems like you're having a great time at byu-i! nice hat btw...very stylin!

  2. YOu move to Idaho and become a cowgirl!! Cool horses. You guys look cute.
