Friday, January 6, 2012

Called To Serve

My mission call came on Friday the 23rd of December 2011. My family was all able to be there except for the Abillas and the Chad Blodgetts. I missed them but they were able to be on the phone and Facetime.

I was really nervous to open it. We had to wait a couple hours for everyone to get there and I was anxious!

We finally gathered and I opened it. I attached the Youtube link to the video.

I have been called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Madrid Spain. I report May 9th to the Provo MTC. I will be there for 3 weeks and then be transferred to the Madrid MTC for the remaining 6 weeks. I'll be gone for 18 months.

I am so excited for this oppurtunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Spain. As I read the rest of the letter from the Prophet I felt a huge responsibility put on my shoulders. I am going to be set apart from the world as a full time representative of Jesus Christ and His true church. That is a big deal. It also says that they are placing their confidence in me and expect me to live worthy of my calling. I can't wait to work as hard as I can for the next two years to be the best missionary I can be. I want to prepare so that I can hit the ground running when I enter the MTC.
18 months will go by in the blink of an eye and I don't want to waste any of my time there. There are people waiting just for me and I need to find them.

The Church is true. There is no doubt about it. And now it's up to me to share the truth with my brothers and sisters in Spain. I want them to have the peace and happiness that I have because of the Gospel. I already love them and can't wait to help them change their lives for the better!

Viva Espana!!