Monday, August 3, 2009

The Going-Ons

Here are just a few things on my mind right now:

1. Nothing to read. I have been waiting for a book I want to read for a long time. I put a hold on it at the library probably a month ago. I was number 40 then. I checked it today. I am number 36!!!! What is with people?! There are 8 holdable copies and I only dropped 4 places?! How slow do these people read? Anyway, it's frustrating. I am starting to think I won't even get it before I go off to college. I don't really know what to do. So, for now I have nothing to read.

2. Baby CC. My newest niece is the sweetest little thing and has been on my mind for awhile now. She is my sister Denae's foster baby and I am quite attached to her. Her future is uncertain for the time being and this is what has her constantly on my mind.

3. The trip to Utah. In a few weeks my family and I are going up to Utah to a) bring Dustin to BYU, b) particiapte in a half marathon and c) hang out with the family that lives up there. Thankfully, I am not participating in the half marathon. I'm pretty sure I could do it but fortunatly I have no desire to. I know many people do (including some amazing family members) but for me, I fail to see the fun in running my guts out. As for hanging out with the family, I am very excited. I always love when the family gets together and even though I am not running the half marathon, I will burn some calories laughing until my stomach hurts. Because that's what happens when we get together.

4. Blessings. Today I went to the temple by myself to just hang around such a great place. I walked around on the terrace and watch videos in the visitors center and really had a great time. It was a beautiful day and there was no fog at all. I thought about all that I have-with my fantastic family, my health, the Gospel in my life, the oppurtunites I have, the beautiful world we live in, great friends and a Heavenly Father and Savior who love me. There are a million more I could name and I think its good to remember to stop and really count your blessings.

5. College. There isn't much to say except that I am nervous and excited. They are almost tied but nervousness is definitely winning right now and it seems to be constantly hovering over me. I will soon dedicate a whole post to my college worries so stay tuned.


  1. Great post Kaley. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful. It is so true and thankful people are happy people. Also, sorry for the CC worries. I haven't got a phone call though so I think for now she is probably staying. I will tell you as soon as I find out. She is sweet and I hate that her future is uncertain. Thanks for all of your help with her. As for college, I can't wait to read your post about being nervous. I know it's scary to leave. I laid in my bed and cried the first day there! But you'll have so much fun I promise. Tell mom that we should plan to go up there for "mother's week" if they still do that. Love ya!

  2. Kays,

    I am so glad that you are blogging now. It will be awesome to follow the "going ons" a little more closely with you. We can't wait till you guys come, and even though i signed up for the half... I am not going to run it. I'm not prepared. We can laugh together!

  3. Don't worry about college, Kaley. We are just a phone call or text away. And Brett and Emily are there. You'll like the new adventure. And it will be good for you to be on your own for a while and away from Mommers. That will be tough because we all like to be around her......but it is part of your mortal probation to be on your own and make some of your own decisions. Even though we are just a phone call away. Love you. Dad

  4. Kays! you are going to die in college!

    haha! teasin! You will do fine and hopefully by that time in your life, i will be on your speed dial. Let's party for the next week! whoo!
