Friday, March 26, 2010

Been Awhile!

I'm back! I know it has been FOREVER! I'm sorry. My last post was Thanksgiving so I'll give you an update of life since then. My first semester of college was a success. I was happy to come home though- I was homesick! Christmas was a blast having so many people around and playing games... except the deadly "states" game. You all know the story but basically I fell through the glass table and got cut up, including a huge dagger piece of glass in my bum cheek!! Now I just have a horse shoe shaped scar- Go Broncos! haha.... Anyway! It was a fun holiday season.

Then I went and visited Kelly in Pennsylvania! It was SO SO fun. We partied, I got to watch 2 of her games, we went to NYC (my first time going!) and saw Wicked on Broadway. Lots and lots of fun. New York is awesome!

Then I turned 19!! I feel old. Which to some of you may be weird but its true. My birthday day was a little weird for me. I went on a date in the morning with mom and saw Dear John. It was pretty good. I think hes pretty cute. I had work off too which was great =) Then Denae came over so it was just a huge party! Then the next day mom took me to Wicked. We won the lottery and then switched seats in side so we were basically dead center really close up and it was Kendra!!! I was so happy and it was awesome. She is way better than everyone else. It was a great birthday!
So thats most everything. I'll try and keep up with it better.


  1. well golly! that just sounds terrific!

  2. about time! appreciate the update...I had NO idea what was going on in your life :) keep the posts coming!

  3. You should post a pic of me and tell everyone how we share a birthday and why you like me.......teasin!
